Koititko jo synapticilla??
hauksi flash pitäisi löytyä paketti flashplugin-nonfree
Adobe Flash Player plugin installer
This package will download the Flash Player from Adobe. It is a
Netscape/Mozilla type plugin. Any browser based on Netscape or Mozilla can
use the Flash plugin. This package currently supports the following browsers:
Mozilla, Mozilla-Firefox, Firefox, Iceweasel, and Iceape. Also Galeon and
Epiphany can use the Flash plugin. Konqueror can also use the Flash plugin if
konqueror-nsplugins is installed.
WARNING: Installing this Ubuntu package causes the Adobe flash plugin to be
downloaded from
www.adobe.com. The distribution license of the Adobe flash
plugin is available at
www.adobe.com. Installing this Ubuntu package implies
that you have accepted the terms of that license.
http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FlashPlayer9Itselläni tuli kyllä tuon ubuntu-restricted-extras mukana eli tarkista että medibuntun pakettivaraston avain on oikein niinkui tkv tuolla neuvoi.
Ja että deb alkuisten rivien edessä ei ole tuota #