Kirjoittaja Aihe: Rosegarden ei toimi. (feisty fawn)  (Luettu 3350 kertaa)


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Rosegarden ei toimi. (feisty fawn)
« : 25.05.07 - klo:18.14 »
Rosegarden 4 paketti asennettu. Käynnistäessä ilmoittaa "system timer resolution is too low" virheen. Rosegardenin sivuilla on ohjeet , mutta mulla ei oo hajuakaan miten nää tehdään. Joskus luin aikaisemmista keskusteluista että ubuntu studio paketin kun asentaa niin pitäisi toimia, mutta ei! Virheilmoitusta ei tule paitsi konsolissa, eikä rosegardenin ääntä kuulu. Sama juttu kun ajaan vmwarella ubuntu studio feisty 7.04 ja siellä rosegardenin. Myös joku jack server ei toimi/ei mene päälle/ei löydy (asennettu?) Nyt ajaan ubuntun päällä vmwaren, jossa pyörii tämä sama ubuntu feisty. Haluan saada Rosegardenin toimimaan! Konsolissa ohjelma antaa tämän:

Koodia: [Valitse]
dost2@dost2-desktop:~$ rosegarden
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
dost2@dost2-desktop:~$ PluginFactory::instance(dssi): creating new DSSIPluginFactory
[/home/dost2/.dssi] [/usr/local/lib/dssi] [/usr/lib/dssi]
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
PluginFactory::instance(ladspa): creating new LADSPAPluginFactory
[/home/dost2/.ladspa] [/usr/local/lib/ladspa] [/usr/lib/ladspa]
Rosegarden 1.4.0 - AlsaDriver - alsa-lib version 1.0.13

JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK server not running

  ALSA Client information:

    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0)                  (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
    16,0 - (Ensoniq AudioPCI, ES1371)                   (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 589826, cap 127]

CREATED OUTPUT PORT 3:out 1 - MIDI external device for device 0
Connecting my port 3 to 16:0 on initialisation
Creating device 0 in Play mode for connection 16:0 Ensoniq AudioPCI: ES1371 (duplex)
Default device name for this device is MIDI external device
Creating device 1 in Record mode for connection 16:0 Ensoniq AudioPCI: ES1371 (duplex)
Default device name for this device is MIDI hardware input device
CREATED OUTPUT PORT 4:out 2 - MIDI output system device for device 2
Creating device 2 in Play mode for connection 14:0 Midi Through Port-0 (duplex) (not connecting)
Default device name for this device is MIDI output system device
Creating device 3 in Record mode for connection 14:0 Midi Through Port-0 (duplex) (not connecting)
Default device name for this device is MIDI input system device
System timer is only 250Hz, sending a warning
    Current timer set to "system timer"
    WARNING: using system timer with only 250Hz resolution!
AlsaDriver::initialiseMidi -  initialised MIDI subsystem

SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(0) - name = "MIDI external device" type = 0 direction = 0 connection = "16:0 Ensoniq AudioPCI: ES1371 (duplex)" recording = 0
SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(1) - name = "MIDI hardware input device" type = 0 direction = 1 connection = "16:0 Ensoniq AudioPCI: ES1371 (duplex)" recording = 0
SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(2) - name = "MIDI output system device" type = 0 direction = 0 connection = "" recording = 0
SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(3) - name = "MIDI input system device" type = 0 direction = 1 connection = "" recording = 0
Composition::getTrackById(0) - WARNING - track id not found, this is probably a BUG base/Composition.C:1451
Available track ids are:
Renaming device 0 to General MIDI Device
Renamed 128:3 to General MIDI Device
SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(0) - name = "out 1 - General MIDI Device" type = 0 direction = 0 connection = "16:0 Ensoniq AudioPCI: ES1371 (duplex)" recording = 0
SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(1) - name = "MIDI hardware input device" type = 0 direction = 1 connection = "16:0 Ensoniq AudioPCI: ES1371 (duplex)" recording = 0
SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(2) - name = "MIDI output system device" type = 0 direction = 0 connection = "" recording = 0
SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(3) - name = "MIDI input system device" type = 0 direction = 1 connection = "" recording = 0
rosegarden: could not connect to socket
rosegarden: No such file or directory
Rosegarden: WARNING: No accurate sequencer timer available

  ALSA Client information:

    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0)                  (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
    16,0 - (Ensoniq AudioPCI, ES1371)                   (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 589826, cap 127]

SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(0) - name = "out 1 - General MIDI Device" type = 0 direction = 0 connection = "16:0 Ensoniq AudioPCI: ES1371 (duplex)" recording = 0
SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(1) - name = "MIDI hardware input device" type = 0 direction = 1 connection = "16:0 Ensoniq AudioPCI: ES1371 (duplex)" recording = 0
SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(2) - name = "MIDI output system device" type = 0 direction = 0 connection = "" recording = 0
SoundDriver::getMappedDevice(3) - name = "MIDI input system device" type = 0 direction = 1 connection = "" recording = 0

Äänikortit on kokeiltu kahta erilaista. Ei mitään väliä. Myös Vmwaren kautta Debian 4.0 antoi "system timer resolution is too low" virheen. Luulisi että Ubuntu Studiossa toimisi varmasti, kun se on säädetty juuri näitä juttuja varten, mutta ei. Kernelinko pitää nyt sitten rukata?  ???


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Vs: Rosegarden ei toimi. (feisty fawn)
« Vastaus #1 : 25.05.07 - klo:18.31 »
Minulla oli aikaisemmin ongelmia Rosegardenin nuotinkirjoituksen tallennuksen kanssa. Asensin Lowlatency-paketin ja virheilmoitukset hävisivät ja tallennus toimii. Toinen tarpeellinen paketti voi olla realtime.


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Torvalds himself says, that Linux is Linux is Linux and not GNU/whatever...

Asmo Koskinen

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Vs: Rosegarden ei toimi. (feisty fawn)
« Vastaus #3 : 25.05.07 - klo:23.02 »

Tässä on aika kiva kuvaus kotistudiosta, yhtä ja toista pientä nippelitietoa:

Ystävällisin terveisin Asmo Koskinen.