Ei ole hajuakaan (eikä Googlekaan tiedä), mitä tarkoittaa "Casena sopcast",
mutta Firefoxin protokollista löytyy jotain tietoa esim. tuolta:
http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=414215EDIT: Lienee joku P2P-systeemi. Löysinkin tuollaisen ohjeen Ubuntu-foorumilta:
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3171877network.protocol-handler.warn-external.sop (user set boolean) false
network.protocol-handler.external.sop (user set boolean) true
network.protocol-handler.app.sop (user set string) /usr/bin/gsopcast
Eli about:config :iin tuollaisia uusia arvoja.
Tai sitten tuollaista (oli sopcast.org-foorumin Googlen välimuistissa):
If you use firefox you can do the following;
make a script like this (you can also use mplayer or another player if
you don't like using xine);
sp-sc $1 3908 8908 > /dev/null
xine hxxp://localhost:8908/tv.asf
note: hxxp is of course http
if sp-sc isn't in the PATH variable you have to use the full path (/usr/bin/sp-sc or whereever you put the sp-sc program)
then save it as ~/sopplayer for example and make it executable.
Then start up firefox and type in about:config and add the following new string;
and use ~/sopplayer as the value.
Then clicking on sop:// links in firefox will work nicely.
You can also use the sopplayer script to run sop:// links from the command line if you prefer.